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How To Get Creative From Home, With Keira Mason

How To Get Creative From Home, With Keira Mason

We had the please of chatting to gorgeous Bali based Photographer and Content Creator, Keira Mason about what it is she's doing stay creative and positive during isolation.

Enjoy xx

Hey Keira, can you please tell us a little bit about yourself? 

I am a photographer and general creative heart. I absolutely love creating and connecting so I am incredibly thankful for what I am able to do everyday for my job! I grew up in the coastal town of Newcastle NSW but for the last two years have been living in Bali, Indonesia with my husband. We have so much love for both of our island homes and definitely love having the ocean so close to us always.

We love that you're passionate about ethical and sustainable fashion. What inspired this for you?

Back in my early 20’s I loved fast fashion and used to purchase upward of 3 new items each week. I was always looking for ‘bargains’ and never wanted to be caught wearing the same outfit twice. Honestly, I became so exhausted with the culture of fast fashion and always needing to ‘keep up with the trends’ and at the same time started to hear about the negative impacts my shopping habits were promoting. After learning more about the fashion industries impact on the environment, the wellbeing of its manufacturers and the culture of consumerism generally I decided a few things needed to change. I started investing in pieces that would be used and loved for years, searching for fabrics that are environmentally friendly, and purchasing from brands that provided living wages and safe work environments for their artisans and manufacturers. It became my heart that nothing I wear would ever come at the cost of another human's wellbeing.

What was a normal ‘Day In The Life’ before isolation?

Right now we are in Australia for this period of isolation but usually I am living in Bali full-time working as a photographer. If it is a shoot day, I usually wake up early (as most of my shoots start first thing in the morning) and then head back to our co-working space to continue with editing and the admin side of my business. Usually my work days are quite similar to what they would be here in Australia, however I usually feel pretty darn thankful for the incredible Bali landscape that I get to shoot in! On my days off, my husband, Jared, and I love to jump on our scooters, head to brekky at one of our favourite spots and have some nice quality time together. We usually follow that with some time in the sun, maybe a massage and an evening walk along the beach followed by dinner with friends!

What is the new ‘Day in the life’ for you now?

Haha after writing the above, our days seem so much different now! For now we are based in a beautiful little apartment in Kingscliff only a couple of streets back from the beach which is such a treat for us! I am still working 6 days a week on some bigger creative projects and a product shoot here and there but have cut down my hours to about 5 per day to make time to re-introduce some slow back into my life. My typical day right now is a 6am run and stretching, working from 8am-1pm, lunch and a mid day swim in the ocean, an afternoon of creative play or relaxing (whatever I feel my body needs) followed by an afternoon walk on the beach and making some yummy dinner at home!

How has your Photography work been affected with everything going on in the world?

Oh it has been an interesting time thats for sure! I love shooting and I found that I really do ’need’ it in my week as a creative outlet. I usually shoot quite a lot of people for fashion campaigns, couples, families and personal branding so obviously with these not being possible I have had to change it up. In the last month I have been focusing on product photography, which is actually where I started in photography and I have been loving it! As my shoot bookings have decreased it has also given me the time to get into some bigger creative projects that I have been wanting to release for some time now so watch this space!

Have you found it challenging having to produce all your content from home or has it inspired new ways of thinking for you? 

Lots of brands and individuals are in such a unique position right now with limitations on how they create their content. I think it is definitely challenging but certainly not impossible.The types of content I am focusing on for my clients right now is imagery that is relevant, informative, and inspiring. For most of my shoots right now I am doing right here in my apartment which has been really fun! If you’re stuck for ideas, drape some fabric on a chair or bed leading down to the floor to create a little studio for yourself. I set mine up where there is lots of natural light and use props like dried flowers, plants, ceramics and textured paper.

I believe each and every one of us has struggled with the Virus having such a big impact on our lives. Have you been struggling with ’the new norm'? What have you been doing to remain positive?

Oh gosh, the first couple of weeks were really hard for me. I was worried about my business, struggling with the uncertainty of not knowing when we would be able to go home again and not having my own space was really hard (we were staying with my family for the first three weeks). Now that I have my own little space to create and have found peace in the fact that we might not be able to get back to Bali for another couple of months I am finding it much easier to focus on the positives. I now have time to dedicate to projects that I have been wanting to do for so long, I get to spend more time in Australia which isn't usually an option for us and I have been able to slow life right down which has been a HUGE positive! I think it's important to do what is right for us as individuals during this time. If you need to relax, relax. If you need to be productive, start a project. If you need to take a break from social media or the news, don't be afraid to sign out for a while.

And finally, what are 3 things you’re grateful for?

I am really happy to say I’m finding it hard to narrow it down to just three right now! I would have to say;
I am grateful for my husband who has been such a supportive and loving human through the last month.
I am grateful that we have a beautiful little home close to the ocean to spend our isolation time in.
I am grateful for the good health of my friends and family.
Keira wearing our Boom Skivvy, size 8. Shop here.
Keira wearing our Stevie Jacket, size 8
Keira wearing our Stevie Jacket, size 8. Shop here.
Keira wearing our Stevie Jacket, size 8
Keira wearing our Stevie Jacket, size 8. Shop here.
Keira wearing our Bowie Dress, size 8
Keira wearing our Bowie Dress, size 8. Shop here.
Keira wearing our Elka Sweater, size 8
Keira wearing our Elka Sweater, size 8. Shop here.