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Meet Jane - our colourful and wonderful new Designer! 💜🌈

Meet Jane - our colourful and wonderful new Designer! 💜🌈


Meet Jane!! Our colourful and wonderful new Designer. Jane and Dui will be working together creating the bold and beautiful upcoming Boom Shankar ranges. 

Why did you decide to choose Fashion Designing as a career?

I loved being creative with clothes right from the beginning. Even when I was two years old if you left me alone for a few minutes I would likely emerge in someone else’s high heels, a scarf draped around me and perhaps a crotchet handbag worn as a hat… I just loved to play with different shapes, colours and prints.    

What excites you most about being a part of the Boom team?

I love the way the colour and print of Boom Shankar inspires people to be bold and really express themselves. No doubt this “ happy place” Dui creates through the clothes flows from the amazing amount of laughter that is constantly bubbling around the Boom head office and design studio – there is a lot of joy around here and I think it shows in the clothes.  

What is your favourite Boom piece/style?

Oh.. this is a tricky one… but as you can see by what I chose to wear here I am completely obsessed by the Nusa pant. I just want to buy it in every print! They look great, they are so comfortable and when you pair them with a matching top it makes an incredible jumpsuit. I have barely taken off my Liqorice Allsort and Ruby Rose striped Nusa pants and I get so many compliments everywhere I go. But I have many favourites to be honest… it changes every week.    

You’ve been with Boom close to 2 months now, how have you found your time with Boom so far?  

It has been really great. When I first met Dui I was so inspired and excited by her positive outlook and values and how she has woven those into such a vibrant company with so much heart. The whole team are quite special as they all really reflect those ideals so there is a lot of soul around here and I am really enjoying being a part of that.  

What were you doing before your career with Boom?

I have been teaching fashion design and mentoring emerging designers at different universities over the last ten years, first the Queensland University of Technology and then RMIT University in Melbourne, but before that I worked for different Australian brands such as Easton Pearson and Colorado and also a bit overseas too. It’s great to be back in Sunny Queensland – I’m enjoying the warm weather.  

What advice do you have for any budding fashion designers?

Be bold and be true to yourself.  The clothes you make are more than just “ things”,  they create experiences and connections for people in the world -  both for those who wear them and make them -  so make sure they reflect your values as well as your aesthetic and strive to make a positive contribution with them.  I think Dui has really demonstrated that with Boom Shankar and I am excited to be on the journey with her.